
St John the Baptist Church

Elkstones - A small village in the Staffordshire Moorlands

St John’s Church lies in the parish of Warslow and Elkstones, the benefice of Longnor and the diocese of Lichfield.

Upcoming Services at St John’s

Sunday 16th June Elkstones Wakes & Flower Festival Service 7.00pm

The church is now open every day from 10am until 4pm for private prayer. If you go into the church during this time please sign the sheet that is in there so we can monitor how many visitors we have.

Myrtle and Margaret now have keys to the church.

For more information about the Longnor Benefice visit:

Vicar: Father John Baines
01298 83411
Curate: Father David Green
07486 889322


Churchwarden: Vacancy at present

Members of the PCC (Parochial Church Council):  Myrtle Alcock

The latest edition of the Longnor Benefice Newsletter can be found here


Elkstones Church is very much the centre of our community and still holds fortnightly services for a small congregation.  Christmas, Easter, Harvest and Wakes are lively events bringing people from the local community and further afield. The Flower Festival is also a very important event in Elkstones, taking place in the church on the closest weekend to the feast day of St John the Baptist which is 24th June. Visitors come from far and wide to admire the floral displays, enjoy home made refreshments and have a go on Reg’s famous tombola!

Elkstones - A small village in the Staffordshire Moorlands
Elkstones - A small village in the Staffordshire Moorlands
Elkstones - A small village in the Staffordshire Moorlands

The Church was built in 1788 on the site of an old chapel dating back to at least the C16th.  It contains original pew boxes and a triple-decker pulpit. The delightful stained glass windows above the altar were designed by Edward Byrne Jones of the William Morris school and installed in 1922 in memory of two local young men who served in the First World War. It is a Grade 2* listed building.

The church is open daily during daylight hours.  A rota of local ladies keep St John’s clean and ensure that there are always flowers to decorate the church.

Church services are usually the first and third Sunday of the month.  For details please see the news and events tab at the top of the home page.

Visit St John’s Church which is located in the centre of Upper Elkstone (Church Lane, SK17 0LU) and enjoy the peace and solitude of the beautiful building where local families have worshiped for generations.   We are always grateful for donations to its upkeep.

For more details of our very special church follow the link to our church booklet.  More information can also be found in the two Elkstones Books.

Elkstones - A small village in the Staffordshire Moorlands