

Welcome to the Elkstones website.

This website has been developed primarily to house the village archives a collection of photographs, documents and artefacts which have been assembled over decades and stored in various homes and buildings but, until now, unable to be accessed by the general public.

With financial support from the South West Peak Partnership, The National Lottery Heritage Fund, fundraising events, generous donations of money and time from local well-wishers and expert help from patient professionals we have scanned and collated the known history of Elkstones from prehistoric times to the present day.

We have used this opportunity to also detail Elkstones’ life in the present day.  Regular updates will keep residents and interested visitors informed.

We hope you enjoy navigating the various pages and find it interesting and informative.


Diary Dates
Sunday 20th October 3.00pm Holy Communion

St John’s Church will be opened for private prayer every day from 10am until 4pm.  If you go into the church during this time please sign the sheet that is in there so we can monitor how many visitors we have.

The October 2024 Newsletter is available on this link.  For past newsletters please visit the Newsletter Page.

Church life is gradually getting back to normal.  For details please visit the Church Page 

The Village and Community Magazine for our local villages of the Moorlands is now only available digitally on this link

Elkstones - A small village in the Staffordshire Moorlands
Elkstones Defibrillator

The defibrillator is situated on the side of Stable Cottage, next to Grove House opposite the notice board in Upper Elkstone by kind permission of Alison and Mark.

The defib has been provided by the Parish Council along with the one in Warslow which is situated in the old phone box.

If you need to use the defibrillator….

Dial 999 as soon as you can.
If someone is having a cardiac arrest emergency services will advise you to commence CPR and use the defib until the ambulance or First Responder arrives.

The code for the box is C1.

When box is opened remove the bag containing the defib and take it to wherever it needs to be used. 

It is not necessary to have training before using the defib as once the “on” button is pressed the defib will give spoken instructions.

It will not work unless the patient shows no response and their heart has stopped.

It cannot be used incorrectly.

Finally, and very importantly, if you are reading this in some confusion, you need to be aware that we are not the Elkstone in Gloucestershire, though we have cordial links with that village.

Their website address is www.elkstonevillage.com

Please say hello from us.


This website has been produced with support from The National Lottery Heritage Fund through the South West Peak Landscape Partnership.